March 13, 2019 3 min read

Ready to kick some butts? TeaZa® Energy is raising awareness about Kick Butts Day, March 18, 2015—a youth tobacco-free campaign.  Kick Butts Day is a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco.

The campaign’s mission according to is to promote public policies proven to reduce tobacco use, strengthen tobacco controls, expose tobacco industry efforts to market to children, mobilize and empower individuals toward a tobacco-free generation and to inform the public about the devastating consequences of tobacco use.

So why is TeaZa®—an energy supplement—spreading the word about Kick Butts Day?  Because TeaZa® has a proven track record of helping people of all ages curb and/or quit their tobacco use.

Bryce Bullock, a young TeaZa® Energy fan pictured above, says, “I’m a huge believer in Teaza products. As a baseball player chewing tobacco is all around and tempting throughout the season. TeaZa not only is safe but beneficial in helping me and other users to keep pushing themselves while keeping their focus.”

Just how big is the problem of youth tobacco use?

Tobacco habits are known to typically start during adolescence.  One government study concluded that the average age smokeless tobacco habits start is 10-12 years old.

According to the American Cancer Society website, “tobacco use, including smoking cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and hookahs, as well as using chew or spit tobacco such as snus and snuff, is common among American youth, according to the most recent government surveys.”  The site goes on to cite the following facts and 2012 statistics regarding youth tobacco use:

  • Nearly 1 in 4 male high school students (23%) and nearly 1 in 5 female high school students (18%) were found to be current users of some type of tobacco.
  • Nearly 1 in 7 students (14%) were considered current cigarette smokers.
  • Cigar smoking was also common among high school students (about 8% of females and 17% of males). Even though flavorings are no longer allowed in cigarettes, “little cigars” (which often look like brown cigarettes) are sold in candy and fruit flavors that appeal to youth.
  • About 7% of middle school students used some form of tobacco, with cigarettes (nearly 4%) being the most common. Almost 3% had smoked cigars.
  • In both middle school and high school, tobacco use was higher among male students for all products.
  • Behavioral problems have also been linked to smoking. Studies have shown that students who smoke are also more likely to use other drugs, get in fights, carry weapons, try to kill themselves, and take part in risky sex.

The fact is, young people are still forming life-altering tobacco habits in spite of all the anti-tobacco messaging in today’s media.

“Many tobacco users are clearly aware of the health risks associated with their behavior,” says Dr. Brent Agin, the doctor who developed TeaZa® Energy.  “However, their desire to quit is overpowered by an intense craving for oral stimulation.  To successfully quit the habit they need to have something in their mouth which will satisfy that craving,” Agin says.

Medical research has shown that oral fixation is a major contributing factor to tobacco addictions.  TeaZa® is an effective replacement for tobacco habits because it satisfies these oral cravings.

A movement toward tobacco-free lifestyles is increasingly gaining momentum.  CVS stores across the nation recently removed all tobacco products from shelves and announced a company rebrand as CVS Health. A flood of headlines dominates today’s news about tobacco bans.

Join the movement.  If you or someone you love has a tobacco habit, pop a TeaZa® and Kick Butts today!