December 11, 2019 3 min read

As the New Year is coming soon, new resolutions are on many people's minds. If you are a tobacco user, why not go tobacco-free, cold turkey this year? 1 in 5 deaths are smoking-related, making tobacco the leading cause of preventable deaths,according to the CDC. With such drastic stats, there has been a massive amount of tobacco smoking alternatives hitting the market to help quit dipping and smoking. 

While there are smoking alternatives to tobacco, there are not many options for smokeless tobacco alternatives. Smokeless tobacco, or chew and dip, are just as addictive and dangerous as smoking tobacco. If a person continuously uses chewing tobacco, they are putting themselves at a high risk of mouth cancer. In fact, according to theMouth Cancer Foundation, 90% of mouth cancer is linked to the use of tobacco. 

Smokeless tobacco alternatives are hard to come by. Even more difficult is finding fake chewing tobacco pouches that closely resemble the real thing.

Quitting cold turkey involves a full commitment and is not always successful after the first attempt. Setting goals, knowing your triggers and habits, and knowing how to keep yourself distracted from those triggers is vital to how successful you will be at quitting dipping cold turkey.

You should always start by setting a date that you intend to quit by. You should also be mindful of the effects of withdrawal and all the negative side effects that come with that. According to Delta Dental, it is best to start cutting down the amount of tobacco you use before your set date in order to avoid intense withdrawal symptoms. 

Tobacco-free alternatives to smokeless tobacco can be used as a habit replacement and assist in mood swings that come with withdraws. Having a plan to fight back against your cravings is crucial.

The TeaZa brand, a tobacco-free pouch alternative, provides heightened focus, oral stimulation and mimics the minty tastes of dip. This would help replace the motions and simulation of putting in a dip. 

TeaZa is a pouch that goes directly into your cheek the same way a tobacco dip would. This simulation tricks your body into thinking you are using a tobacco dip, which can limit the negative effects of quitting cold turkey. TeaZa pouches are a prime example of a healthy, non-addictive alternative to smokeless tobacco that also provides vitamins to the body.

Good, healthy vitamins can come in handy while attempting to quit dipping cold turkey because withdrawals can cause mood changes. Withdrawal syndrome can trigger anger and depression. These effects are at their worst the first week after quitting, so having vitamin supplements from TeaZa Energy pouches to boost energy and overall health can assist in any mood swings that might happen. 

After you quit dipping cold turkey, you may notice weight gain. This is one of the most common side effects and can add to the mood swings. Nicotine can cause a lack of appetite and going cold turkey from dipping can reverse these effects and increase your appetite. Gaining weight causes people to not feel like themselves and become sad about their physical appearance. Sticking to a healthy diet can work to halt any additional weight gain. 

Working out can help distract you from addictive tendencies and works great in conjunction with eating healthy to limit weight gain. Exercises like running and lifting weights can help maintain your weight as you go cold turkey. 

The benefits of being tobacco-free outweigh the unpleasantries of quitting cold turkey. While not everyone has the same reaction to withdrawals while going cold turkey from dipping, cultivating a plan ahead of time to combat each outcome will provide the best results of success.Â